I named this blog Mocha Beauty Goes Green because as a woman of color I know that women of every shade and hue do care about issues toward saving our earth, living healthier, raising children to be strong and healthy, and maintaining our unique beauty. I am a woman with so many interests and passions and being more conscious about how I live and the environment around me has increasingly become more important to me. I know that people of color have not always been widely represented in the discussion of how to live a more environmentally conscious, natural and non-toxic lifestyle. But just recently two magazines which are geared toward our diverse community, Essence and Black Enterprise have featured articles about going green! How fantastic! We have to be a part of this dialogue. Whether you are a Hispanic woman, an African American woman, a multi-racial woman, or a Caribbean American woman, I desire to share tips and all the wonderful things I have learned about going green to help you enhance your life!
"Going Green" is a new phrase, not necessarily a phase but a lifestyle choice and an effort to undue what we’ve come to know as a wasteful, unconscious and toxic way of living. Over ten years ago the environmental movement was but a whisper to many, now none of us can remain ignorant to this cause. From Al Gore’s recent Nobel Prize win for his outstanding push to bring environmental issues to the forefront, to the popularity of mega health food stores like Whole Foods, and the widespread promotion of World Earth Day, to help save natural resources, more and more people are awakening to the idea that going green is actually doable and imperative. If you take it one step at a time each, one of us can do something toward helping our environment and our bodies heal from the pollution, disease, decay and neglect that have become a standard way of life for most. As a woman of color, I care about the environment. I care about what I put into my body and how I live just as much as anyone else. I think at times, we only get a picture that certain groups of people care about earth issues and living naturally, when in fact it’s on all of our minds. Many of us may be hesitant toward giving our attention to these issues because we either think it will take too much time, money and effort to live more consciously or we think this whole eco-friendly movement is a fad. Well if you had the chance to see Al Gore’s film “An Inconvenient Truth”, or read any of the numerous online and print articles which talk about our need to recycle, reuse and buy natural and organic produce and other products to save ourselves and Mother Earth, then you would know going green is no joke!
It’s amazing that in my years on this earth I have gone through many phases, times in my life when I was extremely conscious and strict about my diet, my activity outdoors, my support of certain causes and times in my life when I’ve been immersed in the hustle and bustle of the daily career grind, paying bills, budgeting, traveling, shopping, etc. So at times, I haven’t been the greenest sister I could be, but somewhere lingering in my mind has always been the thought that I could be so much more of a champion for living a more natural, non-toxic lifestyle and to inspire others to do the same. I think back to 1997 when I began making my own natural body products and the only people who got a chance to use them were a handful of people close to me. And I think about a time when I had a friend and healer visit the class of third graders I was teaching, to talk with them about eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, spending time to meditate, exercise and take good care of their young minds and bodies. This is championing natural and non-toxic living. Great memories, but no more reminiscing for me, the time is now; we can all have our own revolution to add to the greater good. Mocha Beauty Goes Green is going to talk about what we can do as beautiful, aspiring, smart and creative women to go green and still live a fabulous life filled with all of the things that make us feel good about ourselves. It’s about starting where you are right now with what you have. Each one of us can do something, one or two small things to make a difference in the way we live. No one is perfect, but Mocha Beauty, we’re going to strive for our own sense of perfected wellness, beauty and harmony in our lives.
I want to share with you what I am doing to go green, as well as fabulous products to enhance your life, ways of caring for your home in a non-toxic way, organic recipes, issues in greening and more!
It’s all about you Mocha Beauty! Get ready, because today we’re going green!
Yours in a sea of green,
DuEwa Frazier
The “Green Diva” Writer
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